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speaker at the un climate Change Conference uk 2021, picture: Alina Pogoda



von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

Poland has signed an agreement to phase out coal. Our climate ambitions should be much greater in order to counteract a climate catastrophe.

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It’s time for the Just Transition Agency!


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

The Just Transition Agency (JTA) as institutional coordinator could be a good solution for the just transition process in Poland.

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landscape in Eastern Wielkopolska, picture: Alina Pogoda

Challenges for a Just Transition in central Poland


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

Gaining the trust of miners & building a new identity for the region - these are the most urgent challenges for a just transformation in Eastern Wielkopolska.

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dieses Bild zeigt die Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema

Polish Mayors for Just Transition


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

Im September wurden wir nach Konin zum Forum of Mayors eingeladen um aus der Lausitz zu berichten. Alina Pogoda gibt einen Überblick über die Inhalte Konferenz.

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Dieses Bild zeigt Klimapsychologin Janna Hoppman

12 Tipps für Klima-Gespräche


von Janna Hoppmann

"Das Klima" ist ein sensibles Thema. Klimapsychologin Janna Hoppmann weiß Rat für Gesprächssuchende. Mehr zu ihrer Arbeit findet ihr unter

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Miners´ prospects for employment after coal


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

The latest report of the IBS indicates that in Silesia there will be a shortage of people to work in the coming years. Miners could possibly fill this gap.

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